Wednesday, 12 September 2012

iPhone 5 concepts and What to expect

We're under an hour away from the release speech of the iPhone 5, what an incredible moment for developers and consumers! Lets look back over some of the iPhone 5 predictions and concepts.

Remember this video?

Personally, I thought the projector keyboard was a brilliant addition, but there's no way we'll be seeing that, right?

Sleek, thin and just plain flimsy? Maybe one day though.

Interesting concept, but not viable. Any powerful light source, including the Sun, would be an absolute pain in the neck.

Having your iPhone twisted sideways constantly isn't the most appropriate of designs. 

iPhone 5 cross breeds with Magic Mouse. We think it looks modern, ergonomically friendly and plausible. 

This is what we've been led to believe the iPhone 5 will look like. Similar to the iPhone 4 with what seem like minor updates. Larger screen, contrasted rear colour with upper and lower glossy bands, but in essence, a very similar piece of kit. So hardware will probably be the biggest news during this event.

The only way to find out is to stay tuned.



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